Online Records for County Sligo

Church of Ireland

  Births Marriages Deaths
Parish From To From To From To
Achonry 11-12-1845 06-07-1899
Aghanagh 19-12-1855 01-04-1990 16-06-1857 01-01-1945 20-03-1856 10-01-1989
Ahamlish 12-09-1882 25-07-1898 20-04-1847 25-08-1897 04-09-1887 28-11-1893
Ballisodare 25-09-1875 06-12-1899
Ballysumaghan & Killery 13-04-1848 01-01-1920 16-02-1846 01-01-1945 30-04-1850 08-02-1956
Dromard (Beltra) 20-02-1895 31-10-1901 12-12-1845 29-06-1899 28-07-1895 19-11-1987
Drumcliff 24-04-1805 15-02-1890 14-05-1845 15-11-1899 08-05-1805 23-05-1902
Easkey 01-05-1822 24-06-1900 01-04-1822 29-12-1898 06-04-1822 08-06-1988
Emlefad & Kilmorgan 14-07-1762 04-07-1882 15-08-1762 18-04-1895 25-04-1762 13-09-1893
Killoran (Rathbarron) 27-11-1845 15-11-1900 23-05-1896 26-08-1986
St. John's Union 01-01-1802 18-01-1900 21-08-1802 03-08-1899 02-07-1802 18-12-1899
Skreen 26-06-1877 10-10-1902 13-01-1846 11-04-1901 12-06-1877 05-01-1981
Tawnagh (Riverstown) 15-11-1872 17-01-1900 20-06-1845 23-05-1901 26-06-1877 23-03-1988
Tubbercurry (St. Georges) 05-01-1846 22-06-1900 05-01-1846 09-04-1899
Kilglass 24-10-1886 28-11-1900 09-12-1845 26-10-1898 22-11-1886 27-11-1908
Killanley (Castleconnor) 29-09-1835 03-10-1900 16-09-1835 08-08-1896 02-11-1834 04-04-1988
Kilfree & Killaraght 17-04-1878 23-09-1898
Kilmactranny 01-01-1817 20-05-1919 16-04-1817 01-01-1945 31-03-1817 04-09-1983
Kilmacshalgan 07-07-1879 10-06-1900 28-04-1840 14-02-1899 05-01-1883 22-04-1988
Kilmacteige 20-04-1877 22-10-1900 23-05-1851 01-01-1945
St.Anne's (Knocknarea) 03-11-1842 20-09-1899 15-03-1843 20-06-1898 20-08-1842 19-05-1899

Roman Catholic

  Births Marriages Deaths
Parish From To From To From To
Achonry 03-04-1878 10-12-1899 03-08-1865 19-10-1905
Aghanagh 31-05-1803 02-12-1899 07-03-1841 20-03-1899
Ahamlish 27-11-1796 01-01-1900 03-12-1796 11-12-1899 26-11-1796 24-07-1845
Ballysadare and
25-04-1842 29-12-1899 14-01-1858 01-01-1945
Castleconnor 07-04-1835 31-03-1905 05-07-1835 01-01-1945 02-05-1847 18-10-1896
Castlemore & Kilcolman Records held at centre
Cloonacool 27-10-1859 31-12-1899 09-10-1859 27-01-1914
Curry 06-10-1867 10-07-1906 03-11-1867 28-11-1899
Drumcliff 23-04-1841 31-12-1899 15-01-1865 30-11-1899
Drumrat 12-11-1843 20-05-1900 30-04-1833 25-02-1900
Easkey 06-06-1864 30-12-1899 16-02-1897 02-07-1939
Emlafad and
04-07-1856 02-06-1909 29-10-1824 27-11-1899
Geevagh 26-01-1851 17-12-1899 13-01-1851 01-01-1945
Glenade & Ballaghantrillick Records held at centre
Kilfree and
04-05-1873 25-12-1899 19-02-1844 16-10-1899
Kilglass 17-10-1825 13-11-1907 12-11-1825 07-10-1900 02-11-1825 18-06-1867
Killenummery & Killerry (part) Records held at centre
Killoran 19-04-1878 25-12-1881 22-04-1846 11-02-1912
Kilmacshalgan 21-06-1868 21-04-1903 20-01-1868 01-01-1945
Kilmacteigue 08-04-1845 30-12-1899 01-01-1848 01-06-1911
Kilshalvey, Kilturra
and Cloonoghil
03-01-1842 31-12-1899 01-03-1840 25-04-1889
Riverstown * 01-11-1803 08-01-1900 28-11-1803 19-06-1933 15-06-1836 21-01-1843
Skreen and Dromard 01-01-1823 22-05-1892 30-11-1817 11-12-1905 25-09-1825 03-05-1843
Sligo 01-01-1831 07-01-1900 01-01-1831 22-12-1899 01-01-1831 30-11-1848
Templeboy 01-01-1815 24-12-1899 22-10-1815 01-01-1945 09-11-1815 16-12-1833
* Gap in Riverstown RC marriage records between 1829 and 1836 and no marriage records for 1894.


  Births Marriages Deaths
Parish From To From To From To
Sligo Circuit 08-06-1806 16-10-1899 06-11-1845 12-09-1899


  Births Marriages Deaths
Parish From To From To From To
Sligo Circuit 06-10-1819 14-12-1899 29-01-1846 14-12-1899

Census Records

Year Description
1901 Census of Ireland
1911 Census of Ireland

Civil Records

District Births Marriages
Aclare 1866 - 1920
Ballymote 1864 - 1918 1864 - 1920
Boyle No. 2 1864 - 1939
Carney No. 1 1864 - 1938
Carney No. 2 1864 - 1939
Castleconnor 1864 - 1920
Collooney 1864 - 1923
Coolaney 1864 - 1920
Easkey 1864 - 1920
Geevagh 1864 - 1928
Gurteen 1864 - 1920
Riverstown 1864 - 1928
Skreen 1864 - 1920
Sligo No. 1 1864 - 1920
Sligo No. 2 1864 - 1920
Tubbercurry 1864 - 1920

Gravestone Inscription / Burial Records

Aghanagh (RC) 299
Ahamlish (RC) 1377
Drumcliffe (RC) 2441
Keelogues (RC) 135
Skreen & Dromard (RC) 1155
Templeboy (RC) 304
Aghanagh (Civil) 117
Sligo Town (Civil) 9511
Templeboy (Civil) 220

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